Join our amazing team of bright and highly motivated minds and revolutionize the e-Commerce and Amazon world with us.
“My colleagues at work are also really good friends to me! This great atmosphere makes me happy to work as part of the meople family every day!” - Interne metoda Mitarbeiterbefragung
What makes metoda a great place to work
Team Events
Join our exciting monthly activities such as bowling, laser tag, escape room or our weekly Feel Good Friday.
Work-Life Balance
Benefit from flexible working hours, home office and a great work environment – with the latest technologies.
Meet our tribe of smart and motivated people, find amazing teammates and meet new friends or sports partners.
Work for a company where your performance is appreciated and where we celebrate successes together.
No matter what position or department you are working, your voice matters and all ideas are welcome.
Health & Sports
No matter if you are into Yoga or Fitness, we offer a wide range of health and sports activities to take care of your well-being.
Take the opportunity to combine vacation with work. We offer you 90 days a year of remote work.
Relocation Support
If you are joining us from abroad we support you with your Visa process and relocation to Munich.
Office Location
Enjoy our amazing office & rooftop terrace located near Munich central station.
Take advantage of the special conditions offered by well-known companies and brands on the Corporate Benefits Portal.
Get a cozy hoodie and a pair of warm socks to show the world where you work.
We are in the process of establishing a training program with thousands of courses so that you can expand your skills and knowledge.
Unser Bewerbungsprozess
Nachdem Du deine Bewerbung abgeschickt hast, erhältst Du eine Bestätigungs-E-Mail.
Die interne Prüfung Deiner Unterlagen durch unser Recruiting Team dauert ca. 1-2 Wochen.
Nach positiver Rückmeldung laden wir Dich zu einem (virtuellen) Vorstellungsgespräch (30 oder 60 Minuten – je nach Position) mit dem Teamlead ein.
Optional findet ein 2. Interview mit unserer HR und dem Teamlead statt und/oder Du erhältst eine Testaufgabe zur Beurteilung deiner Qualifikation.
Nach erfolgreichem Abschluss des Interviewprozesses werden wir Dich über unsere Entscheidung informieren und Dir ein Angebot unterbreiten.

5 out of 5 stars
4,2 out of 5 stars

Cooperation Partnership